Faith vs Fear
Faith and fear are in combat with one another. One is evidenced by what is not seen the other is the dread of the unknown. Neither exist until you walk in it, then it becomes reality. You can only Choose one.
Faith emboldens us. Fear deters us.
..(Faith) And Peter came to him (Christ) walking on the water, (Fear) but when he (Peter)saw the winds and waves Peter began to sink.
Yeshua said,
..” oh you of little faith why did you doubt.”..
Doubt was the result of fear and the end of faith.
Jesus used this phrase again when asking “why do you worry over what you will eat, drink, or cloth yourself? “ …”Oh ye of little faith.”
Fear cast doubt on on Gods love towards us.
We, bound by the constraints of this world, consider many things impossible.
Faith does not obey these laws.
It supersedes them.
When Jesus fed the five thousand.
The bread, 5 loves, continued to propagate to increase and filled the bellies of all that partook.
Jesus used this opportunity of need to teach his disciples a valuable lesson. …”They don’t need to go away”…
He sets up an alternate scenario., …you give them something to eat…. and calls us to participate.
When faced with the unknown and obstacles in your path. There is another option .
Yeshua says: “Bring them to me”.